"Tales" DVD Collector's Edition

Fictitious pieces created to practice and design professionally as a Graphic Designer. The main focus is to make three consistent DVD packaging for three fictitious stories.

Three DVD packaging- Collector's Edition

InDesign, Painter 12, Photoshop, Illustrator 2014

An overview of each packaging with their promotional poster on the back. Left to Right titles: Mad Wonderland, Little Red Assassin and Twin's Revenge. Each stories is based on familiar stories. See Digital Art for an overall view of the posters and DVD Cover Illustrations.

Complete sets of each DVD packaging. Two does not have a book because of time constraint but there will be for each soon. There might also be a hand-made mini keychain to be included in the future.

Boxsets are also the main focus, because what makes it special is what makes them consistent.

Since "Tales" is based on children's stories and/or fairytales, the boxset are made to look like a book with both vintage and modern look.

Hand- made, 2014

Additional Images

Photographs by Alyssa Albatana